Bordighera Press publishes italianità in North America from literary works to scholarship on migration and Italian diasporas.

Founded by Fred Gardaphé, Paolo Giordano, and Anthony Julian Tamburri in 1989, Bordighera Press is a nonprofit publisher specializing in the latest research and critical works; new voices in poetry and prose; and reprinting significant contributions in the fields of migration, Italian diasporas, and Italian Americana.

VIA: Voices in Italian Americana is a semiannual literary and scholarly review of and about the cultures of Italy and its diasporas from Bordighera Press. Open to all contributors, VIA features fiction, essays, poetry, critical studies, and visual works that offer nuanced and singular views of the Italian diasporic experience.

Note: Manuscripts should be formatted according to The Chicago Manual of Style. Prose submissions are limited to 5000 words; poetry should not exceed five pages. Contributors grant VIA first serial rights and receive a complimentary digital edition of the issue. Discounts are available on print copies.

Bordighera Press